Week 18 MKMMA

Week 18 of the masterkeys experience. We started scroll V of Og Mandino’s greatest salesman on Feb 1. He talks about living this day as if it were my last. I ran across a pretty well timed video where he talks about finding what you love to do. Insert the video he asks a very powerful question, one that brought tears to my eyes. “If this were the last day of my life, would I do what I’m about to so today.” Gladly I can partially answer that question with a yes. See what you think… https://youtu.be/SR9yYKvaXQg


Wweek 17HJ is all about the “Heroes Journey”, being your own hero. The definition of a hero;

: a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability
: an illustrious warrior
: a person admired for achievements and noble qualities
: one who shows great courage.
Now A & B don’t really pertain to me, but C & D certainly do. For myself and my family. ABSOLUTELY. Be your own hero and have a great day!

Week 17 MKMMA

For week 17 of the masterkeys and the Franklin Makeover I’ve chosen to look for persistence as my virtue. I have a whole new respect for the persistence of my family. My wife is driven as always, but I’ve started seeing my kids in a new light. They are persistent even at their young age. When something catches there imagination they…WILL NOT LET IT GO. Admittedly I used to get frustrated at times, and may still, but I certainly admire their child like persistence and I’m learning from it. Or I guess being reminded of it. Have a great day!!

Week 16 MKMMA

Week 16 Kindness Week!!

When you become aware of something, how much more often do you notice it? For instance I bought a jeep last summer. Now I see jeeps EVERYWHERE! Give kindness a try… guess what that’s everywhere as well! Whatever we make ourselves aware of we notice, good or bad. Have a great day!


Week 15 MKMMA

Week 15 is the progression of the habit of looking for the resources that are already around you to manifest the things you desire into your life. Specifically this mental makeover is looking for the qualities you already possess in other people and things in your world. First up are the qualities that you feel you need to improve most. This week for me is discipline…OH BOOYYEE I have a lot of room for growth there!! LOL

Week 14 masterkeys

Week 14 is a break week for us from the Webinar, but not from working on our future selves. Holiday times can be very challenging. This year in particular has been challenged with loved ones failing health. Both my mother and mother-in-law. Thank God for the people.thay have come into our lives for both my wife and myself. Proof there is a higher power is evident every where you look, if you look, and have an open mind and heart.

Week 12 Master Keys

Week 12 of the MKMMA is all about gratitude. Create 30 notecards with things we have accomplished in life. Simple things and big things. AND READ THEM BACK TO YOURSELF!!! We’re more likely, by nature, to remind ourselves of what we have not accomplished. I’m looking forward to sharing this exercise with my family. We all need to remember how great life can be, even the simple things!